Monday, 29 September 2014

Year Abroad Goals

I was completely inspired to write this post after reading Becky's blog post - I already had ideas in my mind but it made me think 'you know what? I'm going to write them all down!' So I have :)

Friday, 19 September 2014


Packing Should Be Easy

Packing should be easy. Should. Why is it so difficult!? It's actually really hard to decide what you're going to want to wear/use in the next year whilst also trying to only fill 2 suitcases and keep them both under 22kg...  What will I want to wear in April next year? I don't know!  But it has to be done.  

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Trials and Tribulations

Student Finance England at it's finest

Oh yes, good old student finance.  We love a bit of student finance don't we?  We especially love having to call them when things go wrong, that's personally my favourite part. (Hint: It's not.)  

Monday, 15 September 2014

Hola Marineros!

Hola Marineros!

¿Hola marinero, dónde está el caballo?  

If you're a Spanish speaker, you're probably thinking I'm nuts, but no,  this is the only thing my mam knows how to say in Spanish and she thinks it's brilliant.  I'm not sure where she picked it up but throughout school she insisted on saying it to all my Spanish exchange partners and anyone Spanish she's ever met, and is always met with a strange blank stare that I all-too-well know means 'was that what she meant to say?'  For anyone who's not sure, it means 'hello sailor, where is your horse?' - a nonsensical phrase, and the inspiration for the name of my blog!  So with no further ado...

 Welcome to my blog!